As you know, the GPS system uses 3 channels L1, L2 and L5. L1-is the so-called citizen band, and every GPS-compatible device uses it. The frequency of L1 is 1575.42 MHz. The L2 channel was indeed developed for military positioning systems, but nowadays, many civilian devices also use this frequency. It is 1227.60 MHz. The L5 channel is the so-called “life safety” channel for processing information about various dangers. The situation in life.

As you can see, the only difference between L1 and L2 compilation at frequencies up to 350 MHz is that nowadays, in addition to L1, many civilian GPS devices also use this channel, and you can also encounter GNSS compatible devices. They combined the Russian GLONASS positioning system with GPS.
The L2 channel is encrypted. This is why many people think it cannot be blocked or stuck. Jammer-Shop’s claim that any RF signal may be interfered is wrong. Therefore, if you need to interfere with the L2 GPS signal block, please use a GPS Jammers working at 1227.60 MHz, such as GPS L1, L2, L5 jamming devices. But please note that evil people can also use this technique!