We know who said that the Internet of Things does not necessarily mean inviolability. It is the plug-and-play box Jamtrack that overcomes this weakness, the plug-and-play box, which relies on ZiBlue, a startup company led by Laurent Perez that specializes in connecting objects, so he knows what it is. As a reminder, wireless alarms and other objects from home automation operate on two specific frequencies of 433 or 868 Mhz. In addition to these, interference waves also know these frequencies and are accompanied by thieves. Therefore, the cell phone jammer can eliminate the closing of the garage or electric blinds and the effectiveness of the alarm.
It is from this observation that the birth of Jamtrack is known. This box was originally a function integrated into the global solution and is now fully autonomous. It can be powered by any 220 V socket, USB port or computer. Before becoming interested in smart homes, it first solved the problem of vehicle theft. Through the first distributor Domadoo can provide services, the challenge now is how to continue to connect through other agents, retailers specializing in alarms, networked houses or DIY.

This is the challenge that Jamtrack faces. This is because, despite the prohibition of use, interferences are easily obtained through roll paper. Laurent Perez, the inventor of Jamtrack, explained: “This is a very active market, and jammers are usually manufactured in China or Eastern Europe.” Except that this lucrative activity is not really known to consumers, and retailers don’t necessarily have Help to promote it, but hope to minimize or even deny its impact. If it is difficult to sell alarms at the same time, it is easy to make them vulnerable. Know that 80% of the 2 million alarms sold in France are sensitive to interference…”
The goal in the coming months is to persuade major players in the alarm retail sector to distribute Jamtrack, which is also compatible with all specialized smart home brands. This anti-jamming device is a 100% French-made detector produced by Altyor, a small and medium-sized enterprise in Orleans, Le Mans, Grenoble and Nice, France.