Portable Wi-Fi hotspot is a very convenient device, we will explain to you why. This is a small device that contains a 4G SIM card and shares that Internet connection via Wi-Fi. It seems that it also supports 3G. Is it convenient? Everyone in your car can access the Internet without obstacles while riding. And the device will definitely have better reception than smart phones. But we at Jammer-Shop may state that if the equipment is misused, it may be very dangerous. First of all, you should know that the wireless network generated by the hotspot is working, thanks to the RF wave, and the range of the network is far beyond the limits of your car, in other words, the network can be accessed from outside the car. Whenever there is a security issue with Wi-Fi, you can be sure that someone might try to hack it, and by doing so, ensure that criminals can access all mobile devices connected to the network.

The second point here is that it can become another distracting factor, which is really bad if you drive. You should remember that using wireless devices while driving is really a bad idea, because more than 60% of car accidents are caused by this. Therefore, the answer to your question is that BMW hotspots are not very safe during the journey. It may not only lead to personal data leakage, but may even lead to traffic accidents. Try to avoid this, if it is not possible, just block the Wi-Fi connection. It can be done using a simple bluetooth jammers. You should know that the most widely used RF remote controls use frequencies of 433, 868, and 315 MHz. Therefore, to block them, you must make sure that your remote control blocker works in these 3 frequency bands. However, if you need a specific device for a specific target, we should tell you that 433 and 315 MHz are mainly used for car alarms, while 868 MHz is used for smart home systems and radio-controlled toys. Certain types of signal jammer devices are quite safe, I mean you will not be able to use the device to block certain critical communications.