This is no secret, a lot of information can be found on the Internet. Basically, you may be an active signal jammer. These devices emit by themselves to create interference fields at specified frequencies. So, for example, if you want to block a cell phone, you need the device to transmit at 850/1900 MHz. These interference signals do not carry any information. In fact, we have published a guide on how to make your own blocker. We have also attached some schematics, you can find the link at the end of the page. Their construction is very simple. Basically, every signal blocking device includes a power supply, a voltage controlled oscillator, an RF amplifier, a noise source and a transmitting antenna. If you want, you can make the device more complex and flexible by adding other modules (such as tuning circuits) to its structure. We may tell you that the most difficult part here is adjusting the correct frequency of the remote control jammer.

Jammer-Shop Corp. has a solution that can try to block the device. First of all, you should know that Wi-Fi networks use 2.4 GHz frequency to transmit data, and that frequency is easily blocked. All you need is a bluetooth jammers device. You should know that there are also desktop versions, and they are better if you need them to block Wi-Fi frequencies in a wide range. They cannot be powered by batteries, but they have a larger working range. As you know, the device is controlled via Bluetooth. It has the same frequency as Wi-Fi and can be blocked simply by a Bluetooth signal jammer. But we should point out that as long as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth share the same frequency, you cannot use Wi-Fi connections around Bluetooth interfering devices. In addition, we will tell you at that it is best to reduce the use of the Bluetooth module of the smartphone. This is a serious reason. You should be aware that mobile devices compatible with Bluetooth (maybe cell phones, tablets or laptops) can be hacked via Bluetooth connections, so it is best to stop using it.