Unfortunately, it is difficult to find a cell location simulator. Some signs that can be interpreted as evidence, such as: B. Downgrading to 2G or losing connection with the cellular network are also common signs of cellular network overload. Some applications claim to be able to detect IMSI capturers, but most applications are either based on outdated information or have too many false positives to be unusable. One possible way to detect a cell location simulator is to use a software-defined radio to map all the cellular antennas in your area, and then look for antennas that suddenly pop up and then disappear, move, and pop in two or more locations. Or very powerful. There are several projects trying to do this, such as “Seaglass” and “SITCH” for 2G antennas and EFF’s own “Crocodile Hunter” for 4G antennas. Although it is possible or has used the cell site simulator to protest, this should not prevent people from expressing objections. Protesters only need to take some simple precautions to mitigate the most serious abuse of these tools. Nevertheless, we still urge legislators and personnel at all levels of the wireless industry to take these issues seriously and work hard to end the use of CSS.

In August 2013, a New Jersey man was fined $32,000 by the Federal Communications Commission for operating a GPS Jammers. The FCC announced that the man was the driver of the vehicle provided by the work, “alleging that he installed and operated a jamming device in the vehicle provided by the company to prevent the GPS system being used by his employer from being installed in the vehicle.” Gizmodo, a technology news source, investigated GPS jammers and found that they were “dangerous, cheap and easy to [obtain and use]”. They are also illegal, but this will not prevent people including drivers from using them. In addition to harming your business, GPS scramblers can also disrupt emergency frequencies used by 9-1-1, ambulances, fire and police departments. GPS signal jammers even interrupted aircraft navigation. The use of GPS jammer devices may be more widespread than expected. According to a 2012 study (called the Sentinel project), there are 50 to 450 GPS tracker failures every day in the UK. Fleet drivers and truck drivers are responsible for 90% of such cases. Another study conducted by Rohde & Schwarz in 2014 found that about a third of trucks on major U.S. highways transmit at the same frequency as GPS-suggesting that these trucks may use GPS signal jammers .