The Kalashnikov team in Russia proposed the REX-1 anti-drone rifle. This portable Drone jammer provides a non-powered drone jammer. With the help of multi-band jammers (which can be used to defeat small UASs at relatively short distances), communication with the phone can also be interrupted, for example, to prevent suspicious devices from being activated remotely. REX-1 was developed by Kalashnikov subsidiary Zala Aero Group.

The pistol-shaped system weighs 4.2 kg and is equipped with a battery that can support three people’s operation. The system consists of collimator sight, interchangeable GPS jamming module and GLONASS navigation system.
The UAV jammer device comes with interchangeable jamming modules, covering 800 MHz, 1.8, 2.1, 2.4 and 5.8 GHz frequency bands. A lock stroboscope, laser sight, and audio and video recorder are also provided.