Mobile phones are the most widely used electronic devices today, and our communication and entertainment depend to a large extent on them. This is an important tool. Especially in recent years, the rapid development of mobile phones has greatly improved the appearance and functions of mobile phones, which is pursued by many young people. Their… Continue reading Don’t rely too much on jammers
Category: Introduction To Blockers
Smartphone jammers are designed to block different frequencies within a specific radius
Signal jammers can interfere with the signals of mobile phones such as conference rooms and test rooms. In order to avoid the influence of mobile phone communication in meetings and tests, and to prevent information leakage and test fraud, wireless signal jammers have become a popular tool. The existing signal shielding devices are mainly manual… Continue reading Smartphone jammers are designed to block different frequencies within a specific radius
Buying a GPS jammer is safer to travel
We need to understand the purchase requirements of GPS Jammers. For example, in addition to the gsm network, we also need to protect the signal type. Is it necessary to protect the frequency bands of 3G and 4G networks? In this way, we can buy cell phone jammers that can block all cell phone signals. In… Continue reading Buying a GPS jammer is safer to travel
WiFi mobile signal jammer is the standard for most electronic products
Although wireless networks are very convenient for accessing the Internet, the problems caused by wireless networks cannot be ignored. This is not only a problem of network access, but also a problem of network security. In order to maintain a good network environment, many places have begun to install this desktop WiFi jammer to protect… Continue reading WiFi mobile signal jammer is the standard for most electronic products
Schools use mobile phone signal jammers to have a positive effect
The school does not bring phones. This is the digital age. Primary and middle school students have their own mobile phones. It affects the management of the school. In order to strengthen the management of the school, we have adopted the means of installing signal jamming devices for mobile phones, so that the area taught… Continue reading Schools use mobile phone signal jammers to have a positive effect
There are different types of cell phone jammers on the market
Mobile phones are great electronic products. You must know how to use it and where to use it. Using high-tech technology, a device called jammer appeared. Use this new technology to disable the network. It attracted attention. Some people are suffering from cell phone noise. Contains the latest 4G signal. Introduce signal jammers for mobile… Continue reading There are different types of cell phone jammers on the market
Mobile jammers are very useful
The shielding equipment is used to protect the order of the test site. There are many success stories. Cheating uses technological means and equipment. Interfering equipment is a technical guarantee to prevent fraud. We have effectively maintained the order of the inspection room. It is believed that the relevant organization has a reasonable understanding of… Continue reading Mobile jammers are very useful
Radio signal jammers are very common in daily life
High-quality directional jammers can be obtained here. Jammers are divided into directional antennas and omnidirectional antennas. The direction of blocking cell phone signals is different. You can choose a directional antenna mobile phone jammer to help interfere with 4G mobile phones. You need to use a 4G cell phone signal jammer. This is a very… Continue reading Radio signal jammers are very common in daily life
Telephone jammers will interfere with the signal from the base station
In some important places, mobile phones are not allowed in certain meetings. Radio jammers can block mobile phones. Widely used to prevent the use of telephones. The jammer equipped with various antennas is a directional antenna mobile phone jammer. It has the function of completely interfering with mobile phones. If you are looking for a… Continue reading Telephone jammers will interfere with the signal from the base station
Good mobile phone signal jammer improves production efficiency
If you find tracking devices around, do you think you will protect yourself? This is indeed necessary. Search on the Internet and find a device called WiFi jammer. You will see that a cell phone signal is used to track the device. The jammer helps avoid tracking. Our website will obviously make you the best… Continue reading Good mobile phone signal jammer improves production efficiency