A mobile cell phone jammer is a device that allows a 13759 mobile phone to send a signal in the same frequency range and generate its transmission, which is effectively blocked by strong interference. People who use the phone to complain will lose their signal, but don’t know why. The phone shows poor reception. With the widespread use of mobile phones, there has been a resurgence. Although some people practice good phone etiquette, there are still many people discussing their private, business or social affairs in public places and forcing everyone to listen. People often chat in trains, subways, buses, grocery stores, shopping centers and cafes to make their compatriots even more angry. It allows some people to keep things in their hands. If you use Messenger in your wallet, you can turn off your phone by flipping the switch. As long as the device is powered on, if the distance between the device and the signal source is insufficient, it cannot be reconnected.

Isabelle Gorce admits that they are not “extremely effective.” “Either they don’t work at all and don’t interfere with the conversation, or on the contrary, they work too well and disrupt the internal communication between each other. Christopher Dorangeville, Secretary of State in charge of CGT explained. Christiane Tao Christiane Taubira mentioned his own “restrictions” in a written reply from the UMP deputy representative in January. In the face of technological developments, such as the transition from 3G to 4G, the “outdated” Minister of Justice explained.
When the police are in jail, they usually deal with prisoners. However, on Tuesday, accompanied by the Attorney General Olivier Jornot, more than a dozen police officers intervened in Champ-Dollon and arrested a guard. The official was accused of selling cell phones and marijuana to prisoners. According to a recent announcement by the people of Geneva, this is no wonder. The prosecutor confirmed: “Under the leadership of the Attorney General, the Chief Inspector of Police (IGS) arrested a guard in Champ-Dollon Prison on April 5.” The charge is serious: “The latter is suspected of interfering with telephone calls and anesthesia. The product was brought into prison and handed over to the prisoner who ordered him to pay.” We don’t know when. In any case, the investigation continued for several months.
The places accessible to detainees were searched. Several sources said that on him, we found a document that listed possible recent transactions. Being handcuffed, he did not resist. “Never saw a guard arrested at his workplace! “It hurts the profession,” commented a detainer who is still in shock.