No matter what kind of exam is a big event, thousands of candidates have been tested in these two days after years of hard work and hard work. After the exam is completed, a good university and good resources are available for selection. The difference is that there is a slight lack of resource opportunities.… Continue reading Mobile jammers bring fairness to the exam
Category: Cell Blockers
Mobile phone jammers are used in important occasions
Mobile cell phone jammer are divided into test room special jammers and wall-mounted mobile phone jammers. The special jammer in the laboratory, as the name suggests, can play a supervisory role and prevent candidates from cheating. Specially used for inspection. This wall-mounted mobile phone jammer, jammer, is more suitable for high-end secret places, it is not easy… Continue reading Mobile phone jammers are used in important occasions
Mobile phone jammers can provide company performance
Have you heard of cell phone jammers? If you don’t ask, you may use your cell phone a lot. Of course, jammers are products used to shield the radio signals of electronic products such as mobile phones, GPS, and WIFI. More specifically, it suppresses mobile cell phone jammer that communicate with mobile phones, etc., from emitting interfering… Continue reading Mobile phone jammers can provide company performance
Should teachers use cell phone jammers?
With the increase in the number of electronic products, many inconveniences have appeared in daily life, which is a problem. I believe many people have such troubles. In this case, buying a mobile cell phone jammer may be a good choice. The head office is a shop that specializes in jamming equipment. If you want to sleep… Continue reading Should teachers use cell phone jammers?
Cell phone jammer prevents outside communication
In the information age, mobile phones and other electronic devices have become an indispensable part of people’s daily lives. Their application fields are very wide. While bringing convenience to people’s lives, they also bring many problems. Many people are suffering from this inconvenience. This is a clip that didn’t notice the unpleasant noise from the… Continue reading Cell phone jammer prevents outside communication
The mobile phone jammer emits the same frequency band as the target signal
The super mobile phone jammer introduces advanced foreign technology and combines the actual situation of foreign mobile communications. It is a high-tech product developed on this basis. It can intercept, interfere and suppress 3G, 4G, 5G, GPS, WIFI, CDMA, GSM, PHS , DCS, 315, 433, vhf, uhf, lojack signal communication radio waves.. There is a… Continue reading The mobile phone jammer emits the same frequency band as the target signal
Cell phone jammers prevent communication between terrorists and criminals
Nowadays, mobile phone jammers are used more and more in life, study and work, but there are good and bad mobile phone signal jammers, and they are not the same type. Headquartered in a cell phone jammer specialty store, there are various jammers on the market for you to choose from. With high quality, real management and… Continue reading Cell phone jammers prevent communication between terrorists and criminals
Cell phone jammers reduce complaints in life
Due to the provisions of the Radio Law, it is impossible to emit strong radio waves like overseas routers, but it seems that there are some products that can be used in three-story houses within the specified maximum power range. I want to live without Wi-Fi, but is it difficult in today’s modern society? This… Continue reading Cell phone jammers reduce complaints in life
Cell phone jammers are important equipment in prisons
Many people have this problem. I have a question about cell phone jammer. “It’s okay to ban mobile phones in schools. Can it really be done? Teachers who work in the field only keep it. I think it’s difficult. But whether it’s forbidden. For example, I think there are ways to install mobile jammers in schools.… Continue reading Cell phone jammers are important equipment in prisons
Mobile phone has strict security
Installation and use instructions Mobile cell phone jammer shielding All mobile phone signal jammers use the latest SMD components and integrated circuits, high performance, easy installation, and can work continuously for a long time. The manufacturing process is an ideal and reliable safe product, protecting the environment, strictly abiding by the stability and reliability, quality system, enhancing… Continue reading Mobile phone has strict security